BAO Web Posting Guideline: Suspensions, Revocations, Conditions and Discipline

– For BAO website page/posts publishing duration of Suspensions, Revocations, Conditions and Discipline


The Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO) has written this guideline to set standard timeframes for how long Suspensions, Revocations, Conditions and Discipline (SRCD) of Registrar’s actions remain on its public website pages or posts. This includes proposed SRCDs.

Having been activated in 2016, the BAO now has several SRCD web posts on this webpage.

These guideline timeframes will ensure consumers are protected and informed in a timely and consistent fashion about SRCDs which the BAO has imposed on individuals or operators, who are or were licensed by the authority.

This guideline will also provide a set of timeframes for those named in the Suspensions, Revocations, Conditions and Discipline website pages or posts.

Official records remain available

This guideline document relates only to the BAO’s public website pages and posts. All SRCDs will remain on a licensee’s official record in the publicly available BAO database, which is accessible through the authority’s public website.

Placement of the SRCD website pages or posts

The majority of the SRCD website pages or posts will appear in at least three places on the BAO website:

Guideline timeframes categories

No maximum time

  • There is no maximum timeframe for postings overall, as some will require remaining online to ensure continued protection of consumers.

Indefinite postings

  • This category will apply to any SRCDs for which, in the opinion of the *Registrar, there is an ongoing potential risk of harm to consumers or other licensees by the individual or operator who is the subject of SRCDs.

Limited time postings

  • SRCDs will be posted on the BAO homepage while proceedings are active or outstanding and will be removed when the proceedings have concluded.
  • A chronological list of SRCDs will be maintained on the BAO website under the tab called Suspensions, Revocations, Conditions and Discipline for a period of 5 years.
  • The record of the SRCD will always be available in perpetuity to the public via the searchable licensee database.

Proposals to License with Conditions

  • Proposals to place Conditions on a license will not ordinarily be published on the BAO website or posts unless, in the opinion of the Registrar, doing so would be in the public interest.

*Registrar of the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002, (FBCSA)