City of Toronto message – Re. Proof of Deaths Certificates and Invoices
The City of Toronto has asked the BAO to share this information, which will be of interest to licensees in many parts of the province.
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Attention Funeral Service Vendors,
We are writing to advise you of a change to how Client Special Services Unit, Funeral Services, will receive Proof of Deaths Certificates and Invoices. This change is being implemented to improve our business practice to ensure timely quality service to Toronto residents.
Effective immediately, all Proof of Death Certificates and Invoices must be submitted via fax to (416)392-9909. Please discontinue sending these documents through Canada Post.
The process for billing to the Accounts Payable Department has not changed. Please adhere to the following requirements for submission:
• Invoices emailed to APInvoice@toronto.ca
• Invoices and documentation must be submitted as an attachment in PDF format
• The invoice, Burial/ Funeral Authorization forms and any other pertinent documentation must be included in one combined PDF file
• One invoice per attachment (emails may have multiple attachments)
• Only invoices are to be sent to the accounts payable email address
We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to this new process as we continue to find ways to improve the way we deliver services.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by phone at (416) 392-2433 or by email at Cate.Thompson@toronto.ca
Cate Thompson,
Manager Program Support
Client Special Services Unit