A guy is walking his dog in a park. A couple is sitting down on a bench.

Notice to the Profession: Hazardous Waste Information Network (HWIN) message from the MECP to BAO licensees

The Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO) is sharing this useful information from the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) about waste management requirements of licenced operations.
This notice is for all Funeral Establishment Class 1, Transfer Service Class 1 & 2 licensees with onsite holding rooms, and hydrolysis facilities.
Please note that any subject waste stored more than 90 days requires a notification to the ministry using this form. (Download the form to your desktop.)

Message from the
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

Subject Waste Regulatory Facts
The MECP ensures hazardous and liquid industrial waste is properly managed and disposed to protect human health and the environment. This is done through a cradle-to-grave approach that included generators, haulers and receivers of the waste.
It is the responsibility of those who generate waste to determine whether the waste is hazardous and if so, properly classify and manage it according to the regulations. 
The Registration Guidance Manual for Generators of Liquid Industrial and Hazardous Waste is a detailed document that takes you step by step through the determination and classification process for hazardous waste, as well as general information on the management of waste.
Regulation 347 governs the tracking and management of liquid industrial and hazardous wastes, also known as subject wastes. Generators of these wastes must register with the Ministry through the Hazardous Waste Information Network (HWIN) and the wastes must also be accompanied by a manifest when shipped off site. Information on the HWIN system can be found on the following website https://www.hwin.ca/hwin/.
Subject wastes need to be transported by an approved carrier for this type of waste and sent to a facility approved to accept these types of wastes.
Any subject waste stored more than 90 days requires a notification to the ministry using this form. If the waste will be stored more that 24 months, an approval is required from the ministry as a waste disposal site.
Compliance and Enforcement
The MECP plays an active role in assuring effective cradle-to-grave management of hazardous and liquid industrial waste in Ontario focusing on the regulated community that present a significant risk to the natural environment.
Environmental Officers from the ministry conduct proactive or responsive inspections, (desktop audit or on-site inspection) of generating facilities, waste management systems, transfer, treatment/processing and disposal sites. These inspections may include a comprehensive review of a facility’s operations to determine if the facility is in compliance with legislation and the terms/conditions of ministry-issued approvals. The Environmental Officers work with the regulated community to provide education on legislative requirements and undertaking compliance and enforcement where necessary to ensure protection of human health and the environment.
When non-compliance is identified, Environmental Officers consider both environmental risk and the facility’s compliance history when determining the appropriate voluntary or mandatory abatement measure in accordance with the ministry’s compliance policy.
Follow up abatement actions are based on site-specific factors. Environmental Officers work with facilities to ensure any required abatement measures are implemented to maintain protection of human health and the environment.
For issues related to significant non-compliance or where ongoing abatement has not resulted in compliance, the ministry refers matters to our Investigations and Enforcement Branch, which conducts investigations that are independent assessments of the non-compliance. Where warranted, the ministry prosecutes the party responsible for the non-compliance.