Notice to the Profession: Notify BAO & local health unit of COVID-19 infections

In many areas of the province, COVID-19 case counts are the highest they have been since the beginning of the pandemic.
This is a pivotal and dangerous time for hospitals and all workplaces throughout Ontario.
Let’s keep doing our part to protect the health of grieving families and bereavement sector staff by preventing the spread of the virus during this third wave, as outbreaks are increasingly linked to workplaces. The new variants spread quickly through close contact between staff members.
All licensed operators must notify the Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO) as well as your local public health unit if and when:

  • Your facility experiences COVID-19 infections; or
  • Your staff test positive for the coronavirus.

In addition, operators must also report any and all previous COVID infections to the BAO. Email us at

(Note: We are looking for numbers only. No names, of course. See Q&A below.)

These notifications will better enable an accurate tracking of the transmission of the virus in the bereavement sector and ensure public safety.
For establishments in the Peel and Toronto public health regions:

  • Medical officers of health have ordered that workplaces will be closed for 10 days when five or more confirmed cases are identified within a 14-day period;
  • During this time, workers at the affected workplace will be required to self-isolate.

These regional public health Orders, issued pursuant to Section 22 of the Health Protection and Promotion Act, are a necessary tool to break the chains of transmission within Toronto and Peel region workplaces, where COVID-19 has been determined to be spreading. The Orders will be in effect for the duration of the lockdowns in Peel and Toronto regions.
All establishments across the province are cautioned to not presume that they are exempt from the Order as a result of their “essential service” status. Circumstances such as the ability to temporarily replace all staff may mitigate a closure order.
Extreme diligence in following all provincial government and BAO measures is required in these extreme times. The BAO wants all of its operators to remain open for grieving families, so strict adherence to all restrictions is vital to achieving this throughout the rest of the pandemic.  
As BAO licensees you have been professional leaders in preventing the spread of this deadly virus in your establishments. Everyone is tired, but we cannot let our guard down during this crucial and dangerous time.
Stay vigilant. Thank you.
-Carey Smith, CEO/Registrar


Q1. Do we have to provide names of infected people?

A1. No, please don’t. Privacy must be respected. The BAO is looking for just numbers of people infected and on what dates please.
Count staff separately from attendees. (We know that you may not have any attendee infection information.)

Q2. Do ‘experiences with COVID-19’ include the public in our establishment?

A2. Yes. Include COVID-19 infected people you know of who entered your facility, numbers of them and on what dates.
Of course, please send us numbers of staff infected and on what dates.