Call for nominations: The BAO is looking for experienced leaders

The 2022 Call for Nominations for board and committee positions is now closed. 

Nomination Timeline

  • Application submission deadline: May 20, 2022
  • Application review: May 23-June 7, 2022
  • Board of Directors to make appointments: June 22, 2022
  • Announcement of successful candidates: July 2022

The Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO) is looking for experienced leaders to join its committees or its board of directors.

The openings offer seasoned professionals valuable senior-level board or committee experience while enabling them to share their business acumen with a growing provincial regulator.

Application details and associated web links can be found in the sections below. The submission deadline for all applications is May 20, 2022.

Board of Directors

The BAO Board of Directors works with the CEO & Registrar toward fulfilling the mission, goals and objectives of Ontario’s sole bereavement sector regulator.

Cemetery, Crematorium and Municipal Advisory Committee

This committee is comprised of sector and consumer representatives, who provide the BAO Board and the CEO & Registrar with expert advice related to cemeteries and crematoriums.

Faith-based Advisory Committee

This committee is comprised of sector and consumer representatives, who provide the BAO Board and the CEO & Registrar with expert advice related to funeral and transfer services.

Funeral and Transfer Service Advisory Committee

This committee is comprised of sector and consumer representatives, who provide the BAO Board and the CEO & Registrar with expert advice related to funeral and transfer services.

Appeal Committee

This committee is responsible for hearing and determining licensee appeals of discipline proceedings. 

Application process

If you are interested in applying, please:

  1. Complete the applicable form, links can be found in each section
  2. Include your resume with your application
  3. Include two letters of support from individuals, associations or religious organizations who can attest to your successes at work and/or on relevant boards and committees
  4. Place the name of the committee, or ‘BAO Board’, in your email subject line or at the top of your printed letter
  5. Submit your application, resume and letters to the BAO by email to (preferred) or by standard mail to:
    Bereavement Authority of Ontario
    Attn: Nominations Committee
    100 Sheppard Ave. East
    Suite 505
    Toronto, ON, M2N 6N5

Selection Process

A Governance and Nominations Committee, comprised of members of the BAO Board, will review the applications. The most qualified candidates who best meet the criteria outlined in the Terms of Reference will be recommended for appointment. Nominee phone interviews may be conducted if required.

Nomination Timeline

  • Application submission deadline: May 20, 2022
  • Application review: May 23-June 7, 2022
  • Board of Directors to make appointments: June 22, 2022
  • Announcement of successful candidates: July 2022


Members of the Advisory Committees are volunteers. While the BAO does not pay committee members a per diem, it does reimburse for travel and out-of-pocket expenses associated with attendance at meetings or special functions in accordance with the BAO Expense Policy. Board and Appeal Committee members are subject to the BAO Remuneration Policy.  

More information

For more details you may email Lisa Padgett, Director, Corporate Services, at

About The BAO

The Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO) is a government delegated authority administering provisions of the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002 (FBCSA) on behalf of the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services. Responsible for protection of the public interest, the BAO regulates and supports licensed: funeral establishment operators, directors and preplanners; cemetery, crematorium and alternative disposition operators; transfer service operators; and bereavement sector sales representatives across Ontario. The BAO is wholly funded by licensee fees (not tax dollars).