A group of people walking in a park.

Notice to the Consumer: Peter Scott / Morven Cemetery

Do not purchase cemetery arrangements, services or products from Peter Scott, the former treasurer of Morven Cemetery, in Loyalist Township, Ontario.

Mr. Scott is not licensed to do so and has been prohibited from such activities by the BAO’s CEO/Registrar of the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002 (the Act). Mr. Scott is not licensed under the Act, and cannot sell, offer to sell, provide or conduct cemetery services, including burials/interments.

Mr. Scott has been ordered by the BAO to redirect all requests regarding the Morven Cemetery to Loyalist Township, which is now the licensed operator of the cemetery. Mr. Scott has also been ordered to return Care and Maintenance Fund monies to Loyalist Township.

If you have had dealings with Mr. Scott since the township became the licensed operator of the cemetery on Dec. 2, 2020, please contact BAO Inspector Andrew Reynolds at Andrew.Reynolds@theBAO.ca or 647-535-2645.

This notice has been issued pursuant to Ontario Regulation 30/11, s. 111 (4).

About theBAO.ca  

The Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO) is a government delegated authority administering provisions of the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002 (FBCSA) on behalf of the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services. Responsible for protection of the public interest, the BAO regulates and supports licensed: funeral establishment operators, directors and preplanners; cemetery, crematorium and alternative disposition operators; transfer service operators; and bereavement sector sales representatives across Ontario. The BAO is wholly funded by licensee fees (not tax dollars).