Notice to the Profession: Reminder – Renew your personal licence
The BAO reminds you that you are required to renew your personal licence with us if you haven’t already.
You must renew your licence if you intend to continue working in the bereavement sector as a licensed professional.
Personal licence renewals are due by Dec. 31, 2021. This does not apply to cemetery staff, volunteers or operators.
Need help to login to the BAO portal for licence renewal? Please watch this two-minute, step by step video with a BAO licensing officer for clear and easy to follow instructions.
6 hours of continuing education required
for Funeral and Transfer Service licensees
To maintain a licence in good standing and to avoid late fees, Funeral and Transfer Service licensees must renew online and must complete six (6) hours of continuing education requirements before Dec. 31, 2021. Read our Oct. 20 notice about continuing education for additional information.
Please click here now to renew your licence.
Thank you.