Notice to the Profession: 6 hours of Continuing Education courses are required to renew your personal licence this year
As a reminder, before you renew your personal licence by the December 31, 2021 deadline, you must have completed six (6) hours of approved Continuing Education (Con-Ed) courses. All approved courses are listed on the Bereavement Education Committee (BEC) website. The BEC site is the continuing education hub for BAO licensees.
Will courses not listed on the BEC website count toward my six hours?
No courses, seminars, conferences, or events originating from outside of the province or from other associations will qualify for Con-Ed credit unless they have received the prior approval of the BEC. Licensees should inquire with the course provider to ensure that the education has been approved by the BEC before registering if they intend to use them for Con-Ed credit.
How many courses should I take in Category A vs. Category B?
Con-Ed courses will be identified on the BEC website as either Category A – Professional Skills or Category B – Self Care. You can do as many hours as you want from either category, but you can only count up to two hours from Category B toward your total six-hour requirement. You could also complete all six hours from Category A.
Don’t wait until the last minute!
Register for your courses now (if you haven’t already) and give yourself the time to complete the courses before the December 31st deadline. Some courses, such as those offered by Humber College, are not viewable after December 31st. The courses listed on the BEC site include courses offered by Humber College, OACFP, OFSA and more.
When will the licence renewal portal open?
The licence renewal portal will open on November 1, 2021; on this date, we will email you with a link to the renewal portal.
If I just got my licence this year, do I have to fulfil the Con-Ed requirements?
No, if your first licensed date is in 2021, you don’t have to do any Con-Ed courses this year. We will send you another email shortly with more information.
For more information on Con-Ed courses, visit the BEC website.
If you have any questions, please email: apply@bereavementeducation.org.
About the Bereavement Education Committee (BEC)
The Ontario Association of Cemetery and Funeral Professionals (OACFP) and the Ontario Funeral Service Association (OFSA), in consultation with Humber College and Collège Boréal, and the Bereavement Authority of Ontario, created the Bereavement Education Committee (BEC) in 2019.
The BEC developed guidelines to evaluate programs to be considered for continuing education credits for Ontario’s bereavement sector licensees. Businesses, associations, and bereavement sector licenced operators interested in providing relevant continuing education to Ontario bereavement professionals must be accredited by the BEC.
The BEC is a joint committee of OFSA and OACFP that, in consultation with Humber College and Collège Boréal, meets to receive applications from third-party education providers. Applications are reviewed by the committee to ensure content meets continuing education credit requirements, as set by the Bereavement Authority of Ontario.