Chair’s message – BAO Board leadership, staff, licensees and partners made us a better regulator
Yearend Message
By Leith Coghlin
BAO Board of Directors
The Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO) Board of Directors has focused on putting the right strategic pieces in place for 2025 and beyond for grieving families, who are the consumers of the death care sector we regulate.
Looking ahead, I know that board and staff work during the past 12 months paved the way for improvements in consumer protection here and now – and for the future.
My board of director colleagues and I concentrated on clear policy to carve a path for management and staff toward continued organizational success.
Continued progress
I credit my board colleagues for their commitment to fulfilling their role effectively. The Board conducted a full governance review, updating policies on:
- Board Orientation and Onboarding;
- In Camera Discussions;
- Access and Privacy;
- Election Process;
- Procurement;
- Investment Policy;
- Compensation Fund Investment; and
- Delegation of Authority.
BAO staff have operationalized many of these updates to provide for:
- A solid financial foundation for the BAO;
- Technological modernization;
- The reactivation of advisory committees; and
- Continued bereavement sector engagement.
The new information technology system has been in operation at the BAO since April enabling the organization to track and improve regulatory compliance of the sector.
Thank you
May I convey on behalf of the Board of Directors, BAO staff, their families, and from me and my family our sincere wishes for a healthy and safe holiday season and our best wishes for a prosperous 2025.
—Read the CEO/Registrar’s Year-in-Review here.