Compliance Code of Conduct

BAO Compliance Code of Conduct and Professionalism

Inspections and Investigations

Individuals designated by the Registrar, Funeral, Burial, and Cremation Services Act, 2002 (the Act) to conduct inspections and those designated by the Statutory Director under the Act as Compliance Officers, Inspectors, and Investigators on behalf of the Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO) will conduct themselves in a manner that exemplifies the core values of the organization and will:

  • Promote and advocate for respect for and adherence to all laws;
  • Foster public confidence and trust in the BAO by exhibiting professionalism, impartiality, and fairness for all concerned;
  • Conduct themselves ethically in the enforcement of the Act and its regulations; and,
  • Be accountable for ensuring that their duties are performed in an efficient, judicious, and courteous manner with all stakeholders.
Elements of Ethical Conduct and Professionalism

Honesty and Integrity

Conducting duties with a high standard of ethics including sound judgment, legitimacy, and dependability to support stakeholder confidence and trust.


Preserving the confidentiality of information obtained while carrying out the duties related to compliance and enforcement as required under section 106 of the Act, except, for greater clarity, where adherence to law or law enforcement requires that certain information be disclosed.


Treating all stakeholders with courtesy, equality, inclusivity, and respect at all times.


Performing all duties impartially, consistently, and objectively, without favour or ill will.

Knowledge and Competencies

Continual individual improvement and professional development to enhance knowledge and competencies.

Risk Mitigation

Consideration of public interest and safety when performing compliance and enforcement duties on behalf of the BAO.


We conduct and conclude our activities in a timely fashion. We adhere to legislative requirements, policies, and procedures regarding timelines and meet all internal and external time commitments.

We also work to ensure that Ontario’s business climate is robust, and we conduct our duties in a way that facilitates compliance and success of businesses operating in the province.

Focus on service by providing clear information
and assistance to help businesses to comply

Upholding the public trust is important for the work we do. We achieve this by being consistent and clear about our regulatory approaches, including the processes we follow and how feedback can be provided on our service or decisions. Maintaining consistency in our approach provides businesses and other regulated entities with a stable, outcomes-focused, and where appropriate, flexible regulatory environment.

To provide effective and professional service, our front-line staff are trained on the following practices and principles:

  • Introduce ourselves and the BAO
  • Provide general information regarding the inspection, audit or enforcement process to be followed
  • Identify the statutory authority for our inspection, audit, investigation, or enforcement action
  • Identify any formal complaint mechanisms and appeal procedures, as applicable
  • Provide contact information for further information or feedback


Compliance Officers, Inspectors, and Investigators working on behalf of the BAO, work to administer provisions of the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002 (FBCSA).

Complaints about a licensee follow a process, available here.