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Definitions of Personal and Business Class licences are provided on this page.

With a mandate to ensure Ontario consumers are being served by competent and professional licensees, the Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO) sets and imposes training standards and mobility requirements aimed at delivering optimal outcomes.

For funeral and transfer service, the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002 establishes the following classes of licences (with the exception of TSSR, as noted below):

Personal Licence Classes

  • Funeral Director – Class 1 (embalming)

Can enter into prepaid and at-need contracts for funeral and transfer services and supplies, embalm, and arrange and direct funeral rites and ceremonies on behalf of funeral establishment operators. Can also enter into prepaid and at-need contracts for transfer services and supplies on behalf of transfer service operators.


  • Funeral Director – Class 2 (non-embalming)

Can enter into prepaid and at-need contracts for funeral and transfer services and supplies, and arrange and direct funeral rites and ceremonies on behalf of funeral establishment operators. Can also enter into prepaid and at-need contracts for transfer services on behalf of transfer service operators. Cannot provide embalming services.


  • * Transfer Service Sales Representative (TSSR)

Can enter into prepaid and at-need contracts for transfer services and supplies on behalf of funeral establishment and transfer service operators. Can also enter into prepaid contracts for funeral services and supplies on behalf of funeral establishment operators. Contact with deceased human remains is limited to transporting the body, placing the body in a casket and removing personal effects. Cannot arrange, co-ordinate, conduct, participate in or be present at a visitation, funeral, or other rite or ceremony at which human remains are present, except for the purpose of scattering human remains.
* TSSR is a subclass, created by the BAO, of the sales representative designation under O. Reg. 30/11 s. 18.


  • Funeral Planner

Can enter into prepaid contracts for funeral services and supplies on behalf of funeral establishment operators. Can also enter into prepaid contracts for transfer services and supplies on behalf of transfer service operators. Cannot enter into at-need contracts for funeral or transfer services and supplies.

Business Licence Classes

Personal Licensing

Business Licensing