Notice to personal licensees & FE/TS operators who haven’t set up their accounts on the BAO Licensee Portal
Please set up your licensee accounts on BAO Licensee Portal
To: personal licensees, funeral establishment (FE) and transfer service operators (TS)
This is a reminder to personal licensees and licensed operator main contacts to create your online portal account on the BAO’s Licensee Portal, ASAP.
You will need access to this account to submit your personal licence renewal(s) and operator renewals (as applicable) by this December 31st. (Renewal season opens on November 1st.)
Email from OBIS Admin: Read the BAO email — This past May, you would have received an email from our BAO system — OBIS Admin, which contains a unique link to create your new licensee portal account. Note that this unique link can only be accessed once, so do not close the window until you have completed the set-up, otherwise the link will become invalid. For operator contacts, we highly recommend that only one person completes the initial login before you share the credentials to whomever has access.
Note: Emails sent from OBIS are delivered from OBIS Admin (crmadmin@thebao.ca). Please add this email address to your safe senders list or check your Junk Email folder for OBIS related emails.
Usernames: We no longer use the email address as the username, so please ensure to make note of your new username and password. The username for operator accounts is “OP-” followed by the licensed operator number. For personal licensees, it will be a prefix representing the licence class, followed by the licence number; for example, FD1-1234567.
Holders of multiple licences: If you have a Funeral Preplanner AND a Sales Representative licence, you will have to set up TWO separate accounts, one for each licence class. You would have received TWO emails from OBIS Admin in May 2024, each with a unique link to set up your respective portal accounts. Regrettably, we are unable to create a single account for multiple licence classes.
USER GUIDES ARE AVAILABLE: We created some useful guides to help licensees navigate the new portal. These guides along with other resources can be found here: Licensee Resource Hub
NEED HELP? If you can’t find any email from OBIS Admin (check your junk folder first), or for any other concerns, please contact any member of our Licensing department by phone (647-483-2645) or email (licensing@thebao.ca).