News Article, Notice to the Profession

Notice to the Profession: BAO welcomes applications in its Call for Nominations for the BAO Board and committees
There are 14 available opportunities to join the Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO) Board of Directors and committees.
This year’s Call for Nominations process has been streamlined for applicants with our new web-based application forms.
The opportunities are for openings on the:
- BAO Board of Directors
- Cemetery, Crematorium and Municipal Advisory Committee
- Faith-based Advisory Committee
- Funeral and Transfer Service Advisory Committee
- Compensation Fund Committee
The openings offer seasoned professionals valuable senior-level board or committee experience while enabling them to share their business acumen with a provincial regulator.
The submission deadline for all applications is Friday, April 28, 2023.
To learn more and apply, please click on this BAO webpage link.
Thank you.