Notice to the Profession: How-to guide on hazardous waste disposal registration
– As required for all FE-Class 1, some TS-Class 1 & 2 licensees, some hydrolysis facilities
Here’s a how-to guide on hazardous waste disposal registration, as required for these licensees of the Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO):
- Operators in locations with an embalming room or holding room onsite
- All Funeral Establishment Class 1 licensees
- Transfer Service Class 1 and 2 licensees, with an onsite holding room
- Hydrolysis facilities, if at a separate location from a funeral establishment
Registration is required by the province’s Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks’ (MOECP) Hazardous Waste Information Network (HWIN).
Generators of hazardous waste are required to register with the MOECP when they first generate hazardous waste and every year that they continue to generate hazardous waste.
As part of the registration process, a site profile must be created (if you don’t already have one) that describes your site, the company’s officials, and your subject wastes. Your site profile will then become part of your generator registration document.
Registration and renewal are completed at HWIN website:
Things to know –
- If not already registered, click on their new registration button on the website
- Each site must be registered separately
- North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Codes
– use code 812210 (This code has been confirmed with the HWIN Help Desk.) - Waste Class: 312P
- Waste Class Name: Pathological Wastes
- Primary Characteristic: Pathological
- Physical State: Solid
If you experience any issues, contact:
- HWINhelpdesk@ontario.ca
- 416-235-5825
- 1-866-494-6663
– 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Monday to Friday except statutory holidays
Generator Registration Report
After initial registration, generators are required to submit a Generator Registration Report (GRR) annually between Jan. 1 and Feb. 15. Generators of hazardous waste are also required to pay the generator registration fee.
There are three components to the fee:
- $50 initial or annual base fee
- $5 per manifest used during the calendar year
- $20 per tonne of hazardous waste generated
Waste must be disposed of every 90 days and must be transported by an appropriately approved waste carrier and disposed of at an approved facility. Therefore, as well as registering or renewing with HWIN, a contract must be in place with a registered carrier.
(*For storage of more than 90 days, see the Storage Report section below.)
Each time hazardous waste is transported, it is tracked using a manifest.
The manifest:
- Accompanies the waste from its point of origin to its point of disposal
- Describes the waste
- Shows when it changes hands between generators, carriers, and receivers
*Storage Report – more than 90 days
If hazardous waste is going to be stored (i.e. not transported) for more than 90 days, a storage report must be filed with the MOECP within five business days after the 90th day of storage.
The storage report describes the nature, amount and location of subject waste stored, or expected to be stored in the future, for more than 90 days, and indicates how frequently hazardous waste is expected to be stored in the future for more than 90 days.
BAO inspection process
This required hazardous waste disposal registration has been incorporated into the BAO’s inspection process.
Failure to be registered and have current manifests, or letters concerning the plus-90 day Storage Report requirement, will be noted as deficiencies and accordingly conveyed by the BAO to the MOECP for enforcement.