Notice to the Profession: No yearend rush on annual licence renewals

The Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO) has extended Annual Licence Renewal registration for all licensees, as we adjust our database portal for the previously announced fee waiver.

The time extension also allows the BAO to make digital improvements to the database portal.

Annual renewal registration is still required, but there is no fee to be paid this year by BAO licensees.

Personal licensees

Personal licensees are advised not to use the BAO’s database portal until we send you a message that it is ready. We will send you an update in February or later when the adjustment work is complete.

Operators can submit paper forms now

Operator licence renewal paper forms were mailed by the BAO on Dec. 1. Operators can complete and send their forms back to the BAO starting now, by:

The operator wall-mount licences will be emailed to operators in the new year.

Fee waiver for all

Remember, renewal fees for all routine BAO licences are being waived thanks to the provincial government’s COVID-19 support.

Bereavement sector fees will be waived for licence renewals, due between April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021, for all BAO licensees. This support is intended to relieve some of the financial burden the bereavement sector faces as it takes necessary measures to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Read the eligibility details in our previously announced BAO Registrar’s Notice.