Notice to the Profession: Registrar authorizes colleges to make students available to work
In recognizing that our licensees may experience critical staffing shortages due to the increase in Omicron cases and that such shortages may significantly compromise their ability to provide deathcare services, the BAO Registrar has authorized Humber College and Collège Boréal to make their students available to work in the bereavement sector prior to the completion of their studies.
Funeral and transfer service providers requiring temporary assistance with staffing are urged to contact:
- Michelle Clarke, Program Co-ordinator & Professor, Funeral Service Education Programs, Humber College: michelle.clarke@humber.ca
or - Camille Lemieux, Professeur / Coordonnateur,
Collège Boréal: Camille.Lemieux@collegeboreal.ca
This is a temporary measure to address exigencies created by the Omicron situation.
Students will still be required to complete their full program of studies to obtain their graduation diplomas and be eligible for licensure.
Special thanks to Michelle Clarke, Camille Lemieux, and the colleges for their cooperation in adjusting their programs to accommodate this urgent need.