News Article, Notice to the Profession

Notice to the Profession: Reminder – Changes to the FBCSA on cemetery care and maintenance funds and accounts
Changes to Ontario Regulation 30/11 under the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002 (FBCSA) come into effect on News Year’s Day.
Cemetery care and maintenance funds and accounts
The changes, which come into force on Jan. 1, 2022, will:
- Permit non-commercial cemetery operators to access the capital portion of a cemetery care and maintenance fund or account to increase the capacity of a cemetery. This is subject to approval from the Registrar of the Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO), under the condition that the capital is paid back into the trust fund or account.
- Increase minimum care and maintenance fund/account contribution amounts. Please see the table for additional information, in:
- Require the Minister to review the prescribed care and maintenance fund/account contribution amounts every five years.