Q&A June 10, 2020 webinar
Here’s a list of answers to questions asked in texts during the June 10, 2020 Registrar’s COVID-19 Update webinar with BAO licensees.
They are not considered to be part of a funeral home’s staff and would count against the maximum of 10 people, as per the April 7 Registrar’sDirective.
The organist would count against the maximum of 10 people in the funeral home.
No. The maximum of 10 people, not counting funeral home staff, applies to the entire funeral home as per the April 7 Registrar’s Directive.
Yes, s long as the cemetery operator can control the number of individuals on the cemetery grounds and ensure the social distancing is maintained.
Yes, if the planning is done with the support of the cemetery operator who must be able to control and ensure that there is no contact between the two groups of attendees.
We encourage funeral homes post appropriate signage on their property and always encourage physical distancing of two metres (six feet) between people during the pandemic.
Yes, absolutely. That has been the BAO’s advice from the start of the pandemic.
No, not at this time. Other provinces do not have the same number of COVID-19 infections and deaths as Ontario.
Yes. We are responding to complaints.
We have no problem with that. In fact, we would ask licensees wanting a ‘drive-in’ option to contact us to map out how it should be done.