Reminder to Cemetery Operators: Your Report on Care & Maintenance Fund/Account is due by March 31st
March 23, 2022
Our records show that your fiscal year end is December 31st, and you have not yet submitted your Report on Care & Maintenance Fund/Account (Form 2), which is due within three (3) months of your fiscal year end, i.e., March 31, 2022 (see exception below).
Exception: If your total Care & Maintenance (C&M) funds exceed $500,000, or if you operate a funeral establishment on one or more of your cemetery properties, you are required to submit an audit report on your C&M funds in addition to your Form 2 report(s) within six (6) months of your fiscal year end.
You may submit your Form 2 via our online licensee portal as follows:
- Go to our website at thebao.ca.
- In the top right corner of our main page, click on “Licensee Login”.
- If you are a First Time Visitor, click on the link provided to obtain a password. On the First Time Visitor page,
- Enter your “licence #”, which is your seven-digit main organization number (also known as the “licensed operator number”) found in the top right-hand side of your ALR Form 1 and 2.
- Or
- Enter your email address.
- Once back at the Member Portal for Licensed Professionals,
- Enter your “Username/Licence Number”, which is either your email address or “licence #” mentioned above.
- Enter your new password.
- Click on “Login”.
- Select “Cemetery, Crematorium and Alternative Disposition (Hydrolysis) Operator renewals”.
- Follow the steps indicated to submit your Report(s) on Care and Maintenance Trust Fund/Account – Form 2.
Audit reports cannot be submitted online yet, but rather by email to trust@thebao.ca, by fax to 647-748-2645, or by mail to our office address.
If you need assistance, please contact one of our Financial Compliance Officers via email at trust@thebao.ca, or by phone at (647) 483-2645 or toll-free at (844) 493-6356.