Notice: Call for Nominations to BAO Advisory Committees
The Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO) is looking for experienced leaders to join its Advisory Committees, which support the BAO Board of Directors.
The three committees, with links to their terms of reference, are:
- Funeral and Transfer Services Advisory Committee
- Cemetery, Crematorium and Municipal Advisory Committee
- Faith-Based Advisory Committee
These volunteer committees are comprised of sector and consumer representatives, who provide the BAO Board and the Registrar with expert advice on matters affecting the bereavement sector.
The three committees each have their own chair:
- Funeral & Transfer Services Advisory Committee,
Chair Scott Miller - Cemetery, Crematorium & Municipal Advisory Committee,
Chair Glen Timney - Faith-Based Advisory Committee,
Chair John O’Brien
Each chair also serves as a member of the BAO Board of Directors.
Available positions
Funeral and Transfer Service Advisory Committee
- One (1) Funeral Director or Operator from a medium population
of 30,000 – 99,999
Cemetery, Crematorium and Municipal Advisory Committee
- Two (2) Cemetery Operators
- One (1) Crematorium Operator
Faith-Based Advisory Committee
- One (1) Orthodox Christian representative
- One (1) Hindu representative
- One (1) Sikh representative
- One (1) Presbyterian representative
Note: Roman Catholic, Anglican, United, Jewish and Muslim faiths are already represented on the committee.
Nomination Process
A nominations committee, comprised of members of the BAO Board, will review applications from candidates to serve on the Advisory Committees. Those candidates considered most qualified will be recommended to the BAO Board for consideration and appointment. Candidates will be drawn from a cross-section of designated sectors, geographical regions and religious affinity (where applicable), as outlined in the eligibility requirements listed within each committee’s Terms of Reference. |
Application Process
If you are interested in applying, please: -Complete an Application for Appointment to Advisory Committee -Send your resume with your application -Include two letters of support from individuals, associations or religious organizations from the same sector as the committee being applied for The application deadline is May 21, 2021. Your application, resume and letters can be sent to the BAO by email or standard mail. By email: nominations@thebao.ca By mail: Bereavement Authority of Ontario Attn: Nominations Committee 100 Sheppard Ave East Suite 505 Toronto, ON, M2N 6N5 Nominee phone interviews may be conducted, as needed. |
About the BAO
The Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO) is a government delegated authority administering provisions of the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002 (FBCSA) on behalf of the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services. Responsible for protection of the public interest, the BAO regulates and supports licensed: funeral establishment operators, directors and preplanners; cemetery, crematorium and alternative disposition operators; transfer service operators; and bereavement sector sales representatives across Ontario. The BAO is wholly funded by licensee fees (not tax dollars).