Questions and Answers May 28, 2020 webinar
Here’s a list of questions asked by licensees in texts after the Registrar’s webinar presentation on May 28, 2020.
Here’s a list of questions asked by licensees in texts after the Registrar’s webinar presentation on May 28, 2020.
You should tell the BAO. We will address it immediately. Thank you.
Mausoleums are in small contained spaces, which are not conducive to physical distancing, unlike a cemetery.
Keep in mind also that the maximum number of people who may visit a cemetery together is only five. That maximum at cemeteries increases to 10 only when it is for a gravesite funeral service.
No. The Registrar’s Directive of May 26, concerning organized and scheduled groupings of people, only relates to funeral homes.
At the funeral home, there’s a logbook and there is sufficient staff present. That’s quite different from a cemetery. Management of this at a cemetery would not be practical or reasonable for families or operators. It’s all about safety.
Please read the Registrar’s Directive on this, as sent to licensees and published on our website on April 30.
Yes, always list the restrictions.
Funeral homes can decide which they prefer to have, single visitations or scheduled groupings of visitations.