A guy is walking his dog in a park. A couple is sitting down on a bench.

Reminder – Submit your Annual Licensure Renewal (ALR – Form 1) by March 31, 2023

Dear Cemetery/Crematorium Operator:

You are receiving this email because as of yesterday, we have not yet received your annual licence renewal (ALR – Form 1) application, which is due no later than March 31, 2023.  If you have sent your renewal in more than one week ago, you may wish to contact us so that we can verify our records.

Also, if you are paying by cheque, we ask that you mail it as soon as possible, so that we can process it by March 31st at the latest. (Any cemetery operators that conduct less than 10 activities (burials, scatterings) a year are exempt from paying a renewal fee, but the ALR form must still be sent in.)

If you have any questions, we are happy to help! Please first review our January 3rd Notice to the Profession, and then call or email us if you need further assistance.

We thank you for your cooperation.