A group of people walking in a park.

Where to find BAO forms on our website

For BAO licensees. This article is from the BAO’s Dec. 5, 2023 issue of our LifeLine newsletter to licensees.

Here are a few tips on where to find forms on our BAO website that you as a business operator and/or personal licensee need – if only once a year.

The forms haven’t moved, but if you’re fairly new to the profession or haven’t had to complete a particular form since the last time 12 months ago, you might not recall where to look. For those of you who know where to find most things, this is just a refresher. 

The forms are available under the For Professionals drop-down menu on our website homepage. Here’s what the For Professionals drop-down menu looks like. 

Note that you access the For Professionals drop-down menu by moussing over it and selecting what you want.

Form pages

Here are our most popularly used forms in these two licensee groupings: 

  • Cemetery, Crematorium, Alternative Disposition Professionals
    Forms – including Annual Licensure Renewal (ALR) Forms 1 & 2 
  • Funeral Establishment & Transfer Service Professionals
    Forms  – including Attestation for Holding and Embalming Rooms

Website main page options

Our public website is organized under a handful of categories as listed adjacent to our BAO logo at the top of the homepage. 

  • News – Click on ‘News’ to see a list of every web post, with the newest ones on top. 
  • Contact Us – Lists all the ways that you as licensees, and the public, may reach us at the BAO. 

Other handy links are available on our Licensee Resource Hub.