The BAO’s committees oversee all facets of The BAO’s legislative and regulatory responsibilities.
In December 2019, the Discipline and Appeal Committees Regulation, 0. Reg. 374/18, under the FBCSA, came into force. The BAO established its Discipline Committee and its Appeal Committee to begin addressing non-compliant licensees in house, rather than escalating cases to the Licence Appeal Tribunal or creating conditions of licensure.
The mandate of the Appeal Committee is to hear and determine licensee appeals of discipline proceedings. A panel of three committee members will be selected to hear and determine each matter.
Please click here for Appeal Committee’s Terms of Reference.
Our committee members
- Marilyn Marshall (Chair)
- Jeff Caldwell (Vice Chair)
- Morrie Klians (Vice Chair)
- Steven Reynolds
- Donna Marie Wilson
- Shari Yearwood
- Charles Goldman
The Audit, Risk and Finance Committee’s mandate is to assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities with respect to the organization’s standards of integrity and behaviour and reporting of financial information, risk management oversight and management control practices, financial planning, funding/revenue strategies, approval of budgets, financial monitoring and financial policies.
Please click here for Audit, Risk and Finance Committee’s Terms of Reference.
Our committee members
Please click here for Cemetery, Crematorium & Municipal Advisory Committee’s Terms of Reference.
Our committee members
- Andrew Roy (Chair), Cemetery Operator – Not-for-Profit
- Heather Anderson, Consumer Representative
- Nathan Johnson, Crematorium Operator
- Sandra Aguilar, Cemetery Operator – Not-for-Profit
- Gary Carmichael, Cemetery Operator – Commercial
- Stephanie Worthington-Pegelo, Cemetery Operator Small/Municipal
- Laura Eccles, Cemetery Operator – Commercial
- Roberta Scully, Cemetery Operator – Municipal
- Meghan Henning, Cemetery Operator – Not-for-Profit
The Compensation Fund Committee’s mandate is to manage the affairs of the Funeral Services Compensation Fund, to ensure compliance with the FBCSA and its Regulations and to determine eligibility of claims.
Please click here for Compensation Fund Committee’s Terms of Reference.
Our committee members
- Normand A. Allaire (Chair)
- Keith Persaud
- Laura Tamblyn Watts
- Heather Anderson – Consumer Representative
- Wardah Ishaque – Consumer Representative
In December 2019, the Discipline and Appeal Committees Regulation, 0. Reg. 374/18, under the FBCSA, came into force. The BAO established its Discipline Committee and its Appeal Committee to begin addressing non-compliant licensees in house, rather than escalating cases to the Licence Appeal Tribunal or creating conditions of licensure.
The Discipline Committee mandate is to hear and determine issues regarding licensee violations of the Code of Ethics, including determining penalties where appropriate. A panel of three committee members will be selected to hear and determine each matter.
Please click here for Discipline Committee’s Terms of Reference.
Our committee members
- Paul Famula (Chair)
- Aviva Harari (Vice Chair)
- Graeme Hogle (Vice Chair)
- Laura Borland
- Kirby Butler
- Ian Cooper
- Genevieve Chornenki
- Alex Elder
- Mark Fletcher
- Alain Gignac
- Bradley Guest
- Suzanne Hennig
- Peter Hawkins
- Thomas Kelsey
- Andrea Korth
- Bruce Lindsay
- Carly Lounsbury
- Jon Rolleman
- Anne-Marie Theoret
- Ryan Venn
- Joanne Warren
As part of its governance structure, the BAO Board is supported by three Advisory Committees. These volunteer committees are comprised of sector and consumer representatives who provide the Board and the Registrar with expert advice on matters affecting the bereavement sector.
Please click here for Faith-based Advisory Committee’s Terms of Reference.
Our committee members
- Howard Mammon (Chair), Toronto Hebrew Memorial Parks
- Ahmad Ally, Ottawa Muslim Cemetery
- Dwejendra Doobay, Hindu Cultural Centre
- Alex Pierson – Anglican Synod Diocese of Ontario
- Nawab Heer, Gurdwara Dashmesh Darbar
- Amy Profenna, Catholic Cemeteries and Funeral Services Archdiocese
- Father Theodore Paraskevopoulos, Prophet Elias Greek Orthodox Church
As part of its governance structure, the BAO Board is supported by three Advisory Committees. These volunteer committees are comprised of sector and consumer representatives who provide the Board and the Registrar with expert advice on matters affecting the bereavement sector.
Please click here for Funeral & Transfer Services Advisory Committee’s Terms of Reference.
Our committee members
- Colin Haskett, (Chair) Funeral Director – Small Population
- Kamal Bhardwaj, Funeral Director – Medium Population
- R. Scott MacCoubrey, Funeral Director – Medium Population
- David Perry, Funeral Director – Large Population
- James Munroe, Funeral Director – Medium Population
- James Belk – Funeral Director – Small Population
- Jenna McNaughton, Transfer Service Operator
- Jay Jackson, Consumer Representative
The Governance and Nominations Committee has a double mandate; to provide the Board of Directors with recommendations for the membership of committees and the Board of Directors; and to assess the BAO’s governance development, practices and policies, and make recommendations on these matters to the Board of Directors.
Please click here for Governance and Nominations Committee’s Terms of Reference.
Our committee members
The mandate of the Human Resources (HR) Committee is the oversight of the human resources strategy and related compensation policies, declaration of compliance, programs, and procedures of the Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO).
Here are the HR Committee’s Terms of Reference.
Our committee members